Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Little Miss Darcie Do. Birth Story.

Thursday February 23-2012

Darcie's birth announcement slideshow:

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My due date (March 6th) was still 2 weeks away. But we had scheduled an induction for February 29th. Darcie was planned to be a leap year day baby. I had yet another doctor appointment at 11 for a non stress test. I was averaging 3 doctor visits a week. It was a full time job with non stress testing, blood sugar testing, OBGYN visits, dietitian visits, and the maternal fetal specialist. I went into the bathroom to get ready for my appointment and my water broke. 

I went to find Harry and said "Hey, guess what? My water just broke!" He was calm as always but wanted to go. I insisted on taking a shower first and calling everyone to tell them we were heading to the hospital. He was a bit nervous because of my history of super fast births. Taylor took forever to get here (21 hours) but Cam arrived in 50 minutes and Kay was just under 2 hours. I wanted to finish decorating the cake I had just baked but Harry said, "Get in the car!!" 

My mom got Cam and Kay from school and they actually beat us to the hospital. Taylor was in the middle of a big presentation in his class so we let him finish and then aunt Sarah picked him up. They arrived just before Miss Darcie made her appearance. 

My water broke at 10:35 am and she was born at 2:06 pm. Only 3 and a half hours. Our doctor didn't make it in time. Darcie was delivered by the nurse after only two pushes. I did not use any pain medication so it was a bit fast and intense. Harry was so wonderful. He held me and talked me through it the whole time and kept me calm.  

When Darcie was born she was so tiny and she was blue. They didn't let Harry cut her cord they just grabbed her and took her to be checked. I kept asking if she was ok because it took her a minute to cry too. I saw her look at me before they whisked her away and we could see her moving so we felt better. My mom came in and didn't even realize she had already been born because she was so quiet. Her color looked better pretty quickly and she started to cry. They wrapped her up and brought her to us and we knew as soon as we looked in her beautiful eyes that she was enhanced with designer genes. We knew and it was all ok. She was so beautiful we couldn't wait to hold her. The doctor had arrived and told us that they were pretty sure she had Down syndrome. We never shed a tear about that because it didn't change anything for us.

She was healthy. Her blood sugar was a little low but her circulation was good and they couldn't hear any problems with her heart. They did a blood test to confirm Down syndrome but it would take a little while to get the results back. We were so happy and started to get to know our new baby girl. She got to meet her extended family and everyone said she was so beautiful. She had tons of hair and chubby little cheeks. We all loved her instantly and it felt like she had always been a part of our family. 

She was 5 pounds 6 ounces and 17 and a half inches long. We got to go home on Saturday the 25th. She had dropped down to 4 pounds 12 ounces. She slept a lot and had a hard time eating for very long. They found out her billirubin levels were high so we had to put her under the lights at home. They told us the hole in her heart had closed up but they never did an echo-cardiogram or an EKG to check for sure. We just focused on getting her to gain weight. She was such a sweet easy going baby. We had a lot of fun spending time with her siblings and seeing lots of visitors. 

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